What you said you would do this semester? 

Deliverable1: Editorial booklets
I redesigned the 3 booklets this semester, adding more content and photo and illustrations to enrich the reading experiences. And I did some AR explorations. But as mentioned in the contract, some of the elements will be completed next semester because I want to focus more on the AR posters this semester.

Motion: I designed 3 screen animations(1920*1080, 3 displays, 5 secs each)
AR posters: I explored AR technologies a lot this semester and designed 4 animated AR posters.

Website: Including 6 main topic pages and sub-topic pages.
Social Media posts&filters: at least 9 posts. This is the advertising part of my project. I uploaded the posts and you can try the filters by yourself on the Instagram account @Beijing.echo.

I also conduct multiple user testings to get feedback and reviews of my project.
The work you actually did this semester, which may be more, different, or less than your contract

I listed designing 3 posters in the contract but actually I designed 4 because there are 4 roles in the Beijing Opera. So I will change it in the material matrix. I was expecting to do more AR in the booklets but since it is my first time reaching out AR, I spent a lot of time learning different software including AE, AI, the Meta Spark Studio,  Adobe Aero and even Procreate animations. I used all these softwares to accomplish what I have done so far. I can say the final outcome meets 70% of my expectations. And I know there is still space for improvement.

What you need to do in the break before the beginning of the next class?

As I mentioned above, I will keep exploring the AR possibilities during the break and refine the animation effects. What's more, I also want to draw more illustrations and filters. The illustration detials are still needed to be refined. And I will gather more ideas for the social media advertising.

Watch the AR Test Process Video Here
Watch the Screen Design 01 Here
Watch the Screen Design 02 Here
Watch the Screen Design 03 Here


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