This week I refined my posters and tested the animations and AR effects more.  I have made some changes to the type speed and the scales. For the colors, I have tried to add extended colors like green to the illustrations. But I feel it's getting a little bit messy. Actually I am drawing more illustrations with the same color palette to make sure consistency. But I think I will adjust the colors later when I finish all of them.

I also started to refine the booklets based on the refined visual system. After seeing the inspiration and feedback, I decided to enrich my booklets with more content and more fun effect. This week I gathered more information and content, and added them to the existing booklets. I will refine the layouts and colors to make them more integrated with the visual system. There will be more illustrations in the booklet and on the website. Creating illustrations is a time-consuming process. I will try my best to finish that this semester. For the user testing, I scheduled a meeting for the next week.


This website is made for thesis development and documentation.